This very website haha. my favourite part of it is the wall page, where visitors can post messages that appear randomly on the screen. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, postgres and Sass (the script language not the noun).
New Girl Twitter Bot
Developed a Twitter bot that tweets out-of-context dialogues from my favourite sitcom, New Girl, with Python using Tweepy and BeautifulSoup to scrape episode transcripts off the web.
Developed an app to log and create actionable data on needy children and poor sanitation, helping NGOs and government bodies identify and address community needs. Built the backend with Golang for API development and user authentication, and integrated heatmap functionality in Android using Kotlin and Google Maps.
Chamberly: venting made easy
Developed an Android version of the Chamberly App, which connects people seeking mental health support. Contributed to both backend and frontend using Kotlin and XML, optimized Cloud Firestore queries, and implemented notifications with FCM API.
Developed an application to help specially-abled individuals find jobs, scraped from multiple sources. Utilized Firebase for real-time data and user authentication, and developed a custom search functionality with dynamic filtering, all in Kotlin.